Helping people and organizations manage the emotional impact of AI, compassion fatigue, and rapid global change.

Coaching, Training & Development
Learn to manage AI Distress & Anxiety, Compassion Fatigue, and rapid global change.

Leading the way.
A talent for breaking new ground.
As the developer of the inaugural workplace group coaching program for Compassion Fatigue RESET™, Taryn Hughes published the first white paper defining AI Distress in 2024.
Since 2017, we’ve trained thousands of frontline professionals globally to manage and mitigate the effects of witnessing human suffering on the job aka Compassion Fatigue, and Vicarious Trauma. Now we are expanding our services to address new stressors in the workplace including AI-related stress, anxiety, and burnout driven by rapid global change and AI technology.

Manage the cost of caring.
Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma prevention and mitigation training + group coaching programs.

Resilience Debrief Journal
Pre-order our signature journal for your staff.
This journal was developed to help frontline workers build resilience and manage work-related traumatic stress. Prompts encourage professionals to pause at the end of each day, reflect, reconnect with themselves, and gain a new perspective on work events and stressful situations.
*Minimum order requirements apply
White Papers:
Strategies to Protect Employees from AI Stress & Anxiety: A Leader's Guide
A Guide to Understanding and Addressing AI Distress

AI Stress & Anxiety
Our Services
We offer professional development training on AI-related stress, anxiety, compassion fatigue, burnout, resilience, tech’s undue influence, and more.
Read who we serve. -
We offer a variety of customized workshops and training on AI-related stress, anxiety, compassion fatigue, burnout, resilience, tech’s undue influence, and more.
How we work. -
Our half and full day retreats train, restore, and support staff so that they can better navigate rapid global change and today’s workplace stressors.
One-on-one coaching support sessions help professionals navigate AI-related stress, anxiety, compassion fatigue, burnout, tech’s undue influence, and more.
View services. -
One-on-one coaching, group coaching, and team coaching services to navigate rapid global change, AI-related stress and anxiety, tech’s undue influence, and reclaim personal power in an AI-driven world.
View Services

Coaching Support
Positive change
Our participants have reported their increased confidence and skills led to them seeking promotions or feeling more prepared to meet the requirements of their recent promotion.
Participants frequently report trusting their colleagues and leaders more after attending our programs. They also demonstrate kinder and more open communication.
Participants have reported our programs kept them from hurting themselves, and helped them overcome depression, anxiety, and burnout.
They also report developing and maintaining new habits such as journaling, meditating, and scheduling peer support. -
Participants have reported our programs supported them in building and maintaining healthy habits, such as walking daily, eating healthy, and sleeping regularly.
Participants often report being more flexible, open to change, and able to navigate change with confidence where they were previously distrustful, fearful, and closed off.
Participants report a higher level of optimism, resilience, and job satisfaction after attending our programs.
Participants frequently report choosing to stay in their careers and positions as a result of attending our programs.
Participants frequently demonstrate and report more reflective decision-making, great problem-solving abilities, less burnout, errors, and reactiveness.

Training the whole person.
Professional Development and Group Coaching for Educators

“The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it."
— C.G. Jung

Join us.
Developing the next generation.
Bilingual Educational Partnership with Empire Dance Studio and Adolfo Indacochea’s professional Latin Soul Dancers.