Self-Care, Won’t Fix Trauma.

Employee mental health is a growing concern that cannot be ignored. Offering comprehensive training on compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, empathic fatigue, and moral injury is an effective way to support those working in the helping and protecting professions.

Helping and protecting professionals are wired differently

Significant numbers of individuals working in professions that involve helping and protecting others have made their career choice because of their personal experiences. People often naturally desire to assist others who are in situations they have experienced before, whether they are aware of it or not. One of the biggest challenges for individuals is when they feel unable to help someone in need, due to systemic gaps, or becoming overwhelmed by the infinite need for services. This causes an increase in traumatic stress symptoms.

Embracing our innately human sides

Professionals are humans too. By acknowledging and embracing our innate human tendencies, we can explore novel ways to aid and uplift our team. One effective approach is implementing a support circle that entails weekly psycho-education and nervous system regulation with coworkers. In these sessions, staff can enhance their understanding of the effects of secondary and vicarious trauma on themselves and their colleagues, while practicing evidence-based calming techniques for traumatic stress.


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Don’t Fall into the "Hierarchy of Pain" Trap!