One Person vs. a Whole World. Save Yourself First.

Understanding the distinction between "infinite vs. finite" is essential if you work in a field that involves helping and protecting others.

When working in environments where staff is exposed to human suffering, professionals may cycle through a variety of responses throughout the week, including fight, flight, freeze, or fawn.

In situations where one is faced with a greater need, than they have the ability to service due to a lack of resources, time, or capacity, the body may react by entering into a prolonged state of perceived threat for days or even weeks.

By recognizing our human limitations proactively make decisions about how to invest our time and resources. This can help us become realistic about capacity and aid us in letting go of the guilt that comes with not being able to help everyone.

*Full article was originally published on March 8th, 2018 defining the concept of “infinite vs. finite” as it pertains to helping and protecting professions.

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